History of The Tuckahoe Garden Club of Westhampton
The Tuckahoe Garden Club was founded on May 16, 1928 by Mrs. Stuart Michaux and a few of her close friends and neighbors. Originally, they were called the “Club of Six.” By the end of the summer of 1928, several other friends in the Westhampton area of Richmond joined the group and the name was changed to The Tuckahoe Garden Club of Westhampton. The club became a member of The Garden Club of Virginia [GCV] in 1933 and then joined The Garden Club of America [GCA] in 1952. Our club currently consists of 75 Active members, 21 Sustainers, 13 Sustainer Emeritus members, 10 Honorary, and 2 Non-Resident members.
The center of our club seal is the Peltandra virginica (or Tuckahoe arum) which early settlers found growing along Tuckahoe Creek. The starchy rhizomes were roasted and eaten by Native Americans. Their name for the plant was “tockawhough.” Our name was created from the political district of Tuckahoe, and the residential area of early members, Westhampton. Once a neighborhood club, we have now expanded to include members from neighboring counties of Goochland, Henrico, Fluvana and Charles City.